As parents, we often struggle with our own time management. Can you
imagine how difficult it must be for kids?
At their young age they need to deal with school, homework, projects,
sport and other activities. The best way that
we can help them with this is to offer them the best systems possible with
regard to time management and being organised.
Here are some tips that you can pass on to your kids - teach them to
take responsibility, work smartly and to be organised now and they will take
these skills with them into adulthood.
a. Use a time sheet that shows a week at a glance. This
should be divided up into days of the week
and hours in the day - starting from the time you wake up in the morning, until
the time you go to bed at night, and
should be in half hour increments.
b. Block off times and shade the blocks. These could consist of the
following (each in a different colour)
i) School hours
ii) Various sports and extra murals
iii) Supper, shower and bed time
i) School hours
ii) Various sports and extra murals
iii) Supper, shower and bed time
c. You will be left with white spaces, which is your time
to fit in homework, projects and any other
activities that you do, including time to do your own thing.
d. You would need to draw up a different time sheet for
summer and winter as sports change. You would also need a
different one during exam times as school hours and sports times often change during exams.
When you are younger, your parents email, write notes and call your
teachers and friends parents for you, but as you get older, it is more likely
to become your responsibility to do any of the following:
a. Excuse yourself from
b. Call a friend to
find out about homework
c. Send your teacher a
d. Anything else school
I would suggest keeping friends and teachers contact information in
your diary as it is easier and saves time to have all in one place, instead of
having to search around every time you need it.
If you are well prepared the
evening before, you will feel far calmer for the day and it will save
you getting into unnecessary trouble. Do a quick check again in the morning
before you leave home.
a. Check your timetable
in your homework book
b. Make sure all your
books are packed in your bag for the next day
c. Check that you have
done all your homework
d. Pack in your sports
and PE clothes
Being prepared for your exams will mean that you will go into the exam
feeling confident and relaxed. You have a far better chance of achieving your
best possible results that way.
Being unprepared will have the opposite effect on you - you will be worried and stressed and it will reflect in your marks in a negative way, leaving you feeling disappointed with yourself.
Being unprepared will have the opposite effect on you - you will be worried and stressed and it will reflect in your marks in a negative way, leaving you feeling disappointed with yourself.
a. Have a page for each
subject in your homework book
b. Write each section
of work under that subject as a sub heading
c. List each item that
you need to learn under that sub heading
d. Have a column down
the right hand side where you can estimate how much time is needed to study each section. This will help you
with planning your study time when it comes to exams.
e. You can also have
another column where you can tick once you have studied that section - use pencil so that you can erase it and
do it again with the next set of exams.
Because projects and assignments are given a couple of weeks in
advance, they can sometimes get forgotten or left to the last minute and then
rushed through.
Sometimes when there is a big job to do, we leave it because it feels overwhelming.
Remember the question "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer is "One bite at a time!"
Sometimes when there is a big job to do, we leave it because it feels overwhelming.
Remember the question "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer is "One bite at a time!"
Instead of looking at one big task, rather break it down into “bite
size” chunks that are more manageable and less overwhelming.
a. Write down each step
you need to do to complete the project (e.g. * buy cardboard *do a mind map to establish headings and some
points *research info on the internet & save to Word document *summarise into your own words * find pictures to
go with the info *save pictures
to memory stick and have them printed *put the project together)
b. Estimate how long
each step will take
c. Write the due date
in your homework diary
d. Look at your time
sheet to see which days are best to work on various parts of your project (it is always a good idea to put some
time in over weekends, especially for things like projects)
e. Work backwards in
your diary, slotting in the tasks that you have identified from the bottom up. Always aim to finish at least 48 hours
before the due date, to give you time for anything the may come up at the last minute
A great way to start your year
is to think about what you hope to achieve and where you want to be when this
12 month journey ends. If you don't set goals, you won't know where you are
going or which way to go to ensure you get there.
a. Know what you want to achieve
b. Pick several goals for the coming year
c. Write them down
d. Work out your steps to achieve them
e. Refer back to your goals on a regular basis
f. Reward yourself when you achieve them
It is essential to be organised at school. Most working people, even
top managers use some form of diary. Learning a good system now will help you
later in life.
You get many different types of diaries, some are more effective than
The School Sorted™ Planner is a diary that includes sheets and pages
where you can do all of the things listed above. When your diary is open, you
can see the full week. There is a key down the left hand side, which can be
broken down into different subjects and sports or activities. Each line then
represents a subject or sport. It also comes with colour sticky tabs that
represent things like projects, tests, exams, orals, etc - so you can always
see at a glance if something is due. It is a format that will help you stay
completely on top of all that you need to do.
Written by: Alison Deary
For more info on the School Sorted Planner:
or call 021-683 1707.
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